Pleasure, Intimacy, and Connection for Every Body
Individual and Relationship Coaching
I am not currently offering psychotherapy, however I am offering short term coaching.
Intimacy Coaching & Education sessions are exclusively available in sets of up to 1-6 intensive online 90 minute sessions. They are scheduled 2 per month for 3 months, followed by a break of at least month to let your changes take root. You can always decide you don't need all 6 sessions; some clients are done with just a few.
Each 90 min session is $250 (USD or CAD) with no extra cost to bring partner/s. Online payment can be accepted from most countries by credit card, Canadian etransfers, or using online/phone direct bill payments through your bank.
Therapy Or Coaching?
Relationship Sessions
I welcome all intimate relationship structures between consenting adults. While I regularly work with monogamous, straight, cis gender couples I primarily work with relationships between sex and/or gender queer, non-monogamous, and/or kinky people. Sex workers and their partners are also welcome. There is no additional fee for relational coaching with two or more clients. See the top section for more information on my approaches to coaching.
Intimacy & Pleasure Sessions
Since about 2003 I have been offering sessions focused on discovering or re-discovering greater pleasure and sexual intimacy. This work can be done with individuals as well as relationships. Many of my clients have complex trauma histories, while others are just looking to explore more deeply rooted pleasure and intimacy. My background includes working as a sexuality educator in locations from university classrooms to homeless shelters to large kink events. Clients' goals often include learning to orgasm or give orgasms, dating and hook-up skills, sexual communication, sex and dating between autistic and "neurotypic" people or across different types of neurodiversities, gender affirming sex techniques for trans people, exploring kinks and/or open relationships, and dating and sex skills for fat people and their lovers of all sizes.
Gender Transition Support
Usually at least half of my clients are gender queer, trans, gender creative, agender, non-binary, questioning, and other gender identities that are not cis gender. I also have many clients who are learning how to navigate a loved one’s transition, whether or not they are trans themselves. I am a non-binary gender queer person plus I live within a trans household, so my kwledge in t area is grounded in lots of formal training as well as extensive personal and professional experience. I invest a great deal of time in my own on-going education in this area, and also provide continuing education in this area to health and healing professionals. Sometimes transition is the focus of coaching and other times it an important context for life but not the focus of our sessions. Trans clients may attend with loved ones (who may or may not also be trans), or by themselves.
As a coach I cannot usually offer support letters that may be requested by physicians or others in order to access hormone therapy or surgical referrals, but if they are willing to accept my letter then I am happy to do so. Most health professionals who request/require letters prefer that clients/patients have an on-going relationship with a psychotherapist for at least three sessions. I do have professional contacts who may be able to help Ontario residents who are seeking letters for their doctors, or to support name change applications. Please let me know if this is what you’re seeking.

Areas of Expertise
Intimacy Coaching and Education is an unregulated field, and therefore practitioners cannot be registered or licensed to provide it. Coaching is not covered by insurance, and may be defined in lots of different ways. My style of coaching involves a somewhat more casual relationship compared to typical psychotherapy, does not dive into topics that we anticipate might be better suited to work on with your therapist, and focuses mostly on the present and future. It's best suited to folks who are generally doing well in life, but have areas that they'd like to enhance and improve. It's also a good option for people who already know me, as there are no restrictions on dual relationships in unregulated fields like coaching. Coaching is not for people who are in crisis, unless that crisis work is being done with a difference registered/licensed professional.
In fact, many of my clients see me for coaching while also working with a psychotherapist or other mental health professional. I am always happy to supplement your work with your therapist by giving us a space to dive into topics that may not be their specialty, especially around sex, intimacy, pleasure, gender identities, relationship styles (like pursuing monogamy or non monogamy more successfully), dating, and so on. Because I am also a highly experienced and specialized therapist who is active in the field as a professor, researcher, journal co-editor, continuing education provider, and more that means I am pretty well equipped know how to work with you at the same time as your therapist.
My approach to coaching tends to involve a lot of exploration into the presence and impacts of power, stigma, trauma, interpersonal dynamics, and especially strengths. Oppression is frequently explored, whether it's internalized, familial, or cultural. Because of my background as a sex educator, clients working with me on sexuality topics also enjoy access to comprehensive and very applied sex & pleasure ed along the way. I am strongly influenced by Narrative and Somatic approaches, with extensive training and experience with a variety of coaching models and approaches.